Reading Room: Jonathan Coopersmith ’78

The Life History of a Technological Dinosaur

Jonathan Coopersmith ’78

Jonathan Coopersmith ’78

Patrick Lloyd

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By Tara Thean

Published Jan. 21, 2016

2 min read


A revolutionary tool for communication burst on the scene in the 1980s: the fax machine. No need to wait for the mail — pages could be transmitted electronically in minutes. Yet by 2010, the fax was all but obsolete, a victim of many technologies, especially the Internet. Jonathan Coopersmith ’78, a history professor at Texas A&M University, explains how it happened in Faxed: The Rise and Fall of the Fax Machine.

Scottish engineer Alexander Bain received the patent for a “fac-simile” — a hefty machine that transmitted over a telegraph line — in 1843, but faxing didn’t really catch on until the 1980s, when it became a vital tool in business.

It was a very slow curve to get to the point of success, and then it took everybody by storm in the ’80s and ’90s: a long rise, a transition to the top, and then: “What’s a fax machine?”

You write, “Faxing had proved to be its own worst enemy, laying the public groundwork for acceptance of email and the Web.” How?

Entrepreneurs developed “fax-on-demand.” If I wanted to know the skiing conditions at a resort, I could fax a number and it would send them. The fax helped get people used to the idea of instant communication and receiving updated information electronically.

What has been the fax’s fiercest competition?

Throughout most of history, it’s been the simple letter. Until the 1960s [when the fax was used sparingly], to send a fax was 100 times more costly than sending a letter. The telegram and telex were the other major competitors. Finally, you began to see digitization in the form of emails and PDFs, destroying the market for the fax machine.

Has faxing completely disappeared? 

There are some sectors — the medical field, some parts of the legal profession — where the signature [transmitted by] the fax machine is seen as having much higher validity than in email. There’s an age factor, too, especially in Japan, where the older generation is much more comfortable with faxing than using a computer.

What is the fax’s lasting legacy?

What is really impressive is how many people of a certain age — 40 and over — remember their first fax experience. It changed how people thought and communicated. The idea of a technology that’s so simple and yet it can communicate around the world — think of the power built into that.

Interview conducted and condensed by Tara Thean 

Jonathan Coopersmith ’78

Jonathan Coopersmith ’78

Patrick Lloyd

What he’s reading: Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy: Markets, Speculation, and the State, by William H. Janeway ’65. “Janeway is basically saying that to successfully innovate you need not just entrepreneurs with good ideas, but financial investors willing essentially to overspend.”

1 Response

Amy Hopkins ’80

8 Years Ago

I think the death knell for the fax machine alleged by Jonathan Coopersmith ’78 (Princetonians, July 8) is a bit premature. Those of us in the medical field use our faxes frequently to convey sensitive and private information, as it is not hackable like email. No need to password-protect!

I personally also use my fax for financial and legal purposes on a not-infrequent basis. The safety and security of the fax is unmatched even versus snail mail, which can be stolen or lost. My local newspaper has a weekly sudoku contest and the results can only be mailed or faxed in, so I fax weekly for that. I rarely go more than a day or two without faxing. Friends and colleagues also use their faxes frequently.

And no, I’m no technological Luddite. I use my laptop, smartphone, and tablet on a near-constant basis. This reminds me of the premature funeral for the PC, which is well and thriving. Just because a technology is old does not mean it’s useless or has been supplanted by something better. The frequent online-data breaches have certainly taught us that.

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