Reunions 2024 Rises Above Sad Absence, Protests

‘It’s just so neat to see how tight of a community we are,’ said Jen Caudle ’99

A sign reading 1959 rises above the crowd at the P-rade.

Kevin Birch

By Carlett Spike , Julie Bonette , and Elisabeth H. Daugherty

Published May 29, 2024

8 min read

Hours before the P-rade on Saturday at Reunions, word began circulating that Princeton’s oldest-ever alum, Joe Schien ’37, had died Friday morning at age 109. Schein had become a fixture at Reunions weekend, kicking off the P-rade while carrying the Class of 1923 Cane since 2016. That first year at age 101, Schein walked the entire P-rade route and continued to do so throughout most of his reign. 

“Our father always felt that Princeton was ‘paradise,’” his son Oliver Schein ’76 wrote in an email to PAW on behalf of him and his brother Roland Schein ’74. “He felt that way when he took us to his 25th reunion in 1962, when he attended our graduations in ’74 and ’76, and when we accompanied him to his 86th reunion in 2023!”

His love and dedication to Princeton will forever be cemented, as his family plans to bury Schein in his class jacket, Princeton tie, and Einstein baseball cap that reads “E=mc².” Despite the sad news, Schein offered a final message to reuners through an Instagram video shared by the University on Friday. 

“I wish you a very happy Reunion and I wish you all the good fortune that life can bring if you are prepared for it, as you certainly have been at Princeton,” he said. “Go Tigers!” 

A day later, Don Fletcher ’39 *51, 105, took the Class of 1923 Cane and started the P-rade. As reuners made their way down Elm Drive, pro-Palestinian protesters rushed into the middle of the road and temporarily blocked the festivities. Security intervened, causing protesters to clear the road. The disruption lasted about two minutes. Protesters began chanting alongside the path near the Class of 2019 and 2020 staging areas and the P-rade continued without further incident. 

Don Fletcher ’39 *51 rides in a golf cart with the Class of 1923 Cane.

Don Fletcher ’39 *51 carries the Class of 1923 Cane.

Kevin Birch

The group, which grew to more than 100 protesters throughout the P-rade, handed out cards and Palestinian flags, and asked alumni to sign their pledge to withhold donations from the University until it meets the group’s divestment demands. The pledge had 701 signatures as of Monday. 

Reactions were mixed: Some alumni cheered and high-fived the protesters, as others voiced their disapproval — verbally and with hand gestures. One marcher threw his drink at the protesters. But largely the sea of paraders sporting orange and black tiger stripes proceeded as usual, with marching bands and music from floats often drowning out the chants.

A handful of other disruptions by protesters occurred during the weekend, including painting the words “pretty town bloody gown” across the white columns of Robertson Hall, dyeing the water in Princeton’s Fountain of Freedom red, and interrupting President Christopher Eisgruber ’83’s annual Q&A. But many alumni told PAW they were unaware of these incidents.  

Indeed, for a large majority of the roughly 25,000 alumni, family, guests, faculty, staff, and graduating seniors, Reunions 2024 was celebrated as usual, under warm and sunny skies.

There were alums in inflatable tiger and dinosaur costumes, various western attire for the Class of 2009’s Rodeo theme, as well as the Class of 2014’s bright and clashing pink-and-orange-striped outfits as part of their Malibu 10 theme, a nod to Barbie.

Kevin Birch

Perhaps one of the happiest people at this year’s event was Marissa Hart ’24, who was celebrating her birthday. “It’s a party all around campus, so it’s the best way to celebrate,” she said. Amid all the orange and black, Hart, who had a gold “It’s my birthday” sash and three big balloons, was hard to miss. “I just love Princeton and I’m happy to be here for my birthday!”

Throughout the weekend, alumni partied under the tents, reconnected over meals, dove into a variety of topics at more than a dozen Alumni-Faculty Forums, and made memories at many other events and gatherings. 

The ripple effects of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack and the ongoing Israel-Hamas war were discussed in a handful of panels. On Friday, a packed room of more than 50 mostly Jewish alumni met at Princeton’s Chabad House for a panel titled “Crisis for Israel, Crisis for American Jews: What’s Next?” The hour-long discussion moderated by Rabbi Eitan Webb with panelists Owen Alterman ’99, Ilya Shapiro ’99, and Leah Powell ’26 covered the climate for Jewish students on campus, views on the situation abroad, and the ways the alumni community can help, among other topics. 

“I shouldn’t feel distressed walking through campus,” said Powell, vice president of the Chabad Student Board. She explained that some of the protesters' chants are offensive and that she’s been discouraged by the University’s response. 

Despite this, Alterman, a senior correspondent for Tel Aviv-based outlet i24 News, said the strengthened connection between the Jewish community has been one silver lining. “This is the ultimate stress test,” he said, adding it's been “an incredible positive surprise that really should give us a lot of strength going forward.”

A related conversation on free speech at universities between professor Keith Whittington and Jonathan Rauch, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, took place Saturday morning. Hosted by Princetonians for Free Speech, Rauch began the conversation by quoting a portion of Whittington’s 2018 book Speak Freely in which he stated campuses are not yet in crisis and asked Whittington if his feelings have changed since then. “I think we’re doing worse,” Whittington said. 

“Part of my concern is that the problems that we see are in some ways the surface problems related to free speech and academic freedom, and below that surface are potentially much deeper problems,” he continued.

The conversation, which went on for more than an hour, focused on the importance of defending free speech, cited a handful of examples of censorship, and closed with an open discussion.

Climate change was another popular topic that featured opposing views in two panels on Friday.

At “America the Beautiful: From Sea to Shining Sea,” sponsored by the Concerned Black Alumni of Princeton, speakers discussed how systemic racism continues to impact the environmental landscape of the United States through a variety of means, such as the geographic location of landfills and incinerators, which have been shown to disproportionally impact communities of color.

“Land is something that cannot be moved, and when we think about the ways in which the colonial system treated land, it has always been a racialized concept,” said Kevon Rhiney, a visiting professor in the environment and the humanities at the High Meadows Environmental Institute.

Moderator Ariel Rogers ’08, a professor at Dominican University, said the interstate highway system and redlining pushed people of color “literally downhill, where the waste from day-to-day life would flow and trickle,” which led to the destruction and separation of communities, with ripple effects such as the creation of food deserts and increased health concerns.

That afternoon, the Conservative Princeton Association hosted “The Great Escape from Net Zero Hunger Games,” where speakers discussed the opportunities for Africa’s energy and agricultural potential and claimed to debunk climate change “myths.” For example, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director of the center for Energy, Climate, and Environment at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, said “most sea-level rise is a response to the interglacial period,” and not caused by human-induced climate change, though there is broad consensus among the scientific community, including at Princeton that human-caused global warming is the cause of the current rise of global sea levels.

Lindianne Sappington ’76, executive director of Snake River Music Gardens, a nonprofit focused on rural farming, spoke about how American agricultural regulations implemented to mitigate climate change concerns can hurt farmers. “Most food-producing families are too polite to say how we feel about what’s being done to us,” Sappington said, but ultimately, “If we don’t grow food, you don’t eat.”

The speakers were intensely questioned by a couple of members of the audience, and one person, who shouted over the presenters as they attempted to respond to his questions, was ultimately asked to stop speaking and left the room.

Mental health was also highlighted in two panels during the weekend. PAW’s Reunions panel, “Student Mental Health: Is It a Crisis, and What Can Be Done?” delved into what’s causing the anxiety and depression on the rise among college students — including at Princeton.

“Health is the integrated sum of our behavioral, physical, social-emotional health, and spiritual health,” said moderator Lucy McBride ’95, a family health physician. “When mental health is on the fritz … every aspect of our health is at stake.”

At another panel, Noah Luch ’24, a past co-chair of the student government’s Mental Health Committee, said that six Princeton students died by suicide while he was here. Over time numbness seemed to set in on campus, he said, and he was disappointed that some administrators seemed uncaring.

Calvin Chin, director of Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS), said he hears that frustration but is encouraged by the changes he’s seen over 10 years in his job: Grade deflation was abandoned, staff at CPS increased 40%, and a push by students led to better handling of medical leave situations. “There are tangible things that have happened, and at the same time there is absolutely more that could be done,” Chin said.

The weekend ended with the annual fireworks show held in Princeton’s Stadium, a handful of alumni arch sings, plus more drinking and dancing under the stars into the early hours of Sunday morning. 

Jen Caudle ’99, a regular at Reunions, said the event seems to get better each year. While she participated in “a little of everything,” her favorite part was connecting with new people and developing new relationships that she missed out on the first time around as an undergraduate. 

“Princeton Reunions is the ultimate example and epitome of school spirit and community,” she said. “It’s just so neat to see how tight of a community we are and how much Princeton means to all of us.” 

7 Responses

Rick Mott ’73

1 Month Ago

To the Gaza protesters: I was a useful idiot too as a student in 1970, eating tear gas at Fort Dix and in New Haven, chanting “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, NLF is gonna win!” with everybody else, never wondering where the money for the buses and signs came from. But then I made the mistake in the mid-’70s of reading the stories of the boat people who risked their lives (up to a third losing them, not great odds) to escape the regime I was de facto supporting. If you can, talk to Vietnamese of a certain age who remember it first hand. I urge you to find opinions about what Hamas really is from sources outside your usual ones. It might spare you from regrets similar to my own in retrospect.

Art Schankler ’77

1 Month Ago

In 1979, I was working in Vietnamese refugee camps on small Indonesian islands in the middle of the South China Sea along with another Princetonian, Frank Sharry ’78. We had both been part of the Princeton-in-Asia program in Singapore and had stayed on to work with Vietnamese boat people, screening them for emigration to the U.S.    

Getting to the islands was sometimes a tricky business, involving a mix of helicopters, rescue ships, Vietnamese fishing boats, and small boys paddling coracles. I don’t really remember why in this case I was on a Vietnamese fishing boat — one of those used by the boat people to escape from Vietnam — but we often used them early on to get from one camp to another. The mail had come up from our office in Singapore, and the young man pictured here found my PAW of interest. 

I always use this photo to demonstrate the truth of the belief that the PAW always finds you — and a pleasure it is that it does. I am sure there are Princetonians in the Antarctic also getting their PAW, but this is as far as it went for me. Today, I get my PAW in Serbia, which may be the Southeast Europe equivalent of the middle of the South China Sea, at least in terms of getting mail from the U.S. My latest PAW arrived six weeks after mailing — partly because the U.S. Postal Service first sent it to Senegal instead of Serbia, according to the postmark. 

Merritt H. Cohen ’57

2 Months Ago

As I was celebrating my 25th reunion in 1982, the Class of 1932 was celebrating its 50th.

The 50th anniversary class was leading the P-rade, and the two people carrying the banner were Laurence Rockefeller and Jimmy Stewart.

For me, this was a most memorable reunion.

Vitus Lau ’79

3 Months Ago

I borrow a book title from John McPhee ’53 to share observations of Princeton and my 45th Reunions, which I attended during three sunshine-filled days in May. 

To gain a Sense of Where You Are requires a “sense of where you have been.” 

As a member of the Class ’79, I came of age during the Bill Bowen *58 years. It was a tumultuous time, a period marked by South Africa divestment petitions, student protests around Nassau Hall, coeducation, and the call for affirmative action.

President Bowen navigated these shoals and managed, as Nancy Malkiel so aptly captured in her book, Changing the Game: William G. Bowen and the Challenges of American Higher Education, to lead Princeton to new institutional heights.

Forty-five years later, President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 is navigating similar shoals and continuing to lead Princeton to new grounds. Just as Bowen, from a societal standpoint, had to widen the doors of the University to women and students from minority groups, Eisgruber has been dedicated to widening the doors to more students, first-generation and low-income students, and increasing the diversity of faculty and staff.

All institutions exert inertia. From President Goheen (with coeducation), Bowen, and now Eisgruber, institutional pushback is a given. It could be overwhelming, especially in a place like Princeton, replete with traditions and her many old sons, from an earlier time.

Most recently, I read Maria Ressa ’86’s How to Stand Up to a Dictator and Fei-Fei Li ’99’s The Worlds I See. Both Maria and Fei-Fei are Woodrow Wilson Awardees.

Would these two women (not to mention Sonia Sotomayor ’76 and Elena Kagan ’81) have attended Princeton, if it were not for the collective vision of Goheen, Bowen, Shapiro, Tilghman, and now Eisgruber? And for them to be of Service to the Nation and to all Nations? My life's path is similar to both Maria and Fei-Fei. Princeton lifted, educated, and cultivated us to strive to do good deeds.

One of the best gifts that Princeton offers to the entire alumni body is the series of Affinity Conferences. Since 2015, I have attended We Flourish, Adelante, She Roars 2, and Thrive. I eagerly await the second Asian Alumni Conference in autumn 2026. These conferences are extraordinary opportunities for reflection, growth of the community, and reengagement with Princeton. I should add, the Third World Center was my refuge during my years on campus.

As I walked around campus during Reunions, I witnessed buildings bearing old and new names: Wu Hall, which will be part of the new Hobson College, Yeh College (Fu & Choi), Kwanza Jones and Jose Feliciano halls, Icahn, and Bloomberg. These donors are the culmination of years, indeed decades, of advancement that Princeton has initiated, driven by visionary University leaders.

My personal campus tour was conducted by a Class of ’24 woman who majored in chemical and biological engineering. While she pointed out many of the new developments, I took great pleasure in informing her of what has come before, of the stories behind the names that are on campus and in Princeton events like Alumni Day. Alumni like Nancy Peretsman ’76, Maria Ressa, Fei-Fei Li, and James Yeh ’87, among others. Names that may not have been possible were it not for leaders like President Eisgruber. Perhaps Professor Nancy Malkiel’s next book might bear his name?

Dror Futter ’86

3 Months Ago

I have worn my yarmulke every day I have been on Princeton’s campus, a period now spanning (sigh) more than 40 years. I have only had positive experiences as a result.

Given the events of the weeks leading up to Reunions, for the first time in my life, I felt some fear when I drove down to campus. I was only on campus on Friday and I know there were disturbances, but I felt as comfortable being an identifiable Jew on campus as I always have. That is not a feeling I would likely have on the campuses of many of Princeton’s peer schools.

That said, while Princeton was better than many campuses this year, it was far from an easy year for Jewish students on campus. I would like to suggest two steps the University could take that would be consistent with both its educational mission and First Amendment commitment:

1. Ban masked protesting. Anonymity encourages recklessness, not reasoned debate.

2. Implement a content neutral civil discourse code, patterned after the Honor Code. The goal of this code would be to provide more guidance around the “time, place, and manner restrictions” to promote reasoned debate and argument by speech and not intimidation. Just like the Honor Code, orientation would include programming on the code and students would be asked to sign a pledge affirming their agreement to abide by the code.

Jim Cohen ’89

3 Months Ago

I applaud President Eisgruber ’83’s fine words regarding the validity and importance of time, place, and manner restrictions on demonstrations (President’s Page, June issue). What a pity, then, that during Reunions, those proved to be just that — words.

I was enraged and appalled that demonstrators against the war in Gaza were permitted to line the P-rade route, forcing the entirety of returning alums to run a gauntlet of chants such as “How many kids did you kill today?” and “from the river to the sea,” along with accusations that civilian casualties equate to genocide — toxic insults, abuse, and incendiary untruths. It was bad enough that they were given free run of the reunion headquarters, but at least then I could exercise my own rights and walk away. No one should ever be forcibly subjected to any political message, and it is unforgivable that Princeton allowed this to happen to its alums.

The P-rade is the very definition of an inappropriate time and place. It is an event the celebrates unity and our common bonds as Princeton alums. It is and should continue to be determinedly apolitical. I have now marched in 36 and this is the only one I did not enjoy. Since I first set foot on campus as a high school senior and decided Princeton was where I wanted to be, this is the first time I ever felt unwelcome there. 

I appreciate the president’s words, but the administration’s deeds speak much louder.

T.R. Reid ’66

4 Months Ago

Reunions and the P-rade of 2024 were delightful, as always. But there were several violations of the acceptable protocol for the esteemed locomotive cheer. 

As set forth by the acknowledged locomotive masters, Turk Thacher ’66 and Tiny Morgan ’66, a few basic rules should be observed when giving or receiving this hallowed tribute:

1. Don’t cheer for yourself; never give, or join in with, a locomotive for your own class.

2. When your class is receiving a locomotive cheer, don’t shout back at the same time. It’s better to wait until the other class has finished the cheer for your class. Then you can either doff your orange caps in thanks or reciprocate with a locomotive for the class that has just cheered for you.

3. When giving a locomotive for the class one year older than yours, don’t chant their class numerals, but rather: “Old Guard! Old Guard! Old Guard!” 

4. The cheer should gradually increase in tempo, like a locomotive gathering speed. 

The locomotive has been a feature of Princeton gatherings for well over a century, so it’s important to get it right. 

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