Sept. 9: Psychologist Martin Seligman ’64 on “Flourishing” Under Stress

Elizabeth Daugherty
By Elisabeth H. Daugherty

Published Sept. 23, 2020

1 min read

Gen. Mark Milley ’80, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the military won’t step into any disputes over the election this November. “I foresee no role for the U.S. armed forces in this process,” he wrote to two Democratic members of the House Armed Services Committee. — Axios
A new documentary streaming on Amazon about F. Scott Fitzgerald 1917, co-produced by Charles Scribner III ’73 *77, suggests Jay Gatsby’s West Egg estate wasn’t based on Great Neck, Long Island, but Westport, Connecticut. The location is “key to an apt appreciation of both Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald’s literary artistry.” — The New Yorker
Psychologist Martin Seligman ’64 offers five “strategies for flourishing” during the stress of the pandemic, including journaling about gratitude and activities that energize you, regularly connecting with colleagues, and finding greater purpose in everyday tasks. — University Affairs

“Many have concluded that the market is unmoored from economic reality. But, viewed another way, today’s equity markets may be partly reflecting powerful underlying trends amplified by the ‘pandemic economy.’”

— Michael Spence ’66, a Nobel laureate in economics, on why the pandemic is accelerating divergence within the economy. — Project Syndicate

Lileana Blain-Cruz ’06 has been named resident director at Lincoln Center Theater, where she’ll direct at least one production a year and help develop and select the theaters’ programming. — Broadway News
National Review senior editor Ramesh Ponnuru ’95 said there’s nothing wrong with corporations considering workers and the community as well as shareholders. “In some cases, companies can advance social goods more readily than either individuals or governments,” he wrote. — National Review
Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson *03 proposed cutting “bloated” city hall salaries and redirecting the money toward services for “people who have been hammered by the COVID-19 pandemic.” — The Dallas Morning News

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