On Shakespeare, Jodi Picoult ’87 Just Doesn’t Buy It

‘When I started to learn more about Emilia Bassano, I couldn’t believe how seamlessly her life plugged in all of the question marks and gaps that exist in Shakespeare’s’

Author Jodi Picoult sitting on her back porch

Jodi Picoult ’87

Tim Llewellyn

Liz Daugherty
By Elisabeth Hulette Daugherty

Published Feb. 28, 2025

4 min read

On the latest PAW Book Club podcast, author and playwright Jodi Picoult ’87 answered members’ questions about By Any Other Name, her novel introducing us to Emilia Bassano, a woman who lived in Tudor England and plausibly could have written some of the most famous works attributed to William Shakespeare. The following excerpt has been edited and condensed. Listen to the podcast and find the full transcript here.

Cover of Jodie Picoult's book By Any Other Name

Michael Behrman ’87 asks, “What brought Jodi to think about this? Could a man have written the Shakespeare female characters as well as a woman?”

I took all my Shakespeare classes with Professor Michael Cadden at Princeton, loved them. I loved the beauty of the writing in the plays, but I also loved the characterization of the females. You had these incredibly complex, three-dimensional characters like Portia, and Kate, and Rosalind, and Beatrice.

I think Michael Cadden said to us once for maybe four seconds of a seminar that there was a question about Shakespeare’s authorship. Honestly, I was like, “Oh, yeah, OK, whatever,” but I was a good little English major and I laughed it all off. I didn’t think about it for years until I read an article in The Atlantic by Elizabeth Winkler [’11]. In it, she mentioned something that just stopped me in my tracks: Shakespeare had two daughters that survived infancy, and he taught neither of them to read or write.

I was like, “Yeah, no, I just don’t buy it.” I don’t believe that the same person who created those incredibly complex female characters in the plays would not have taught his own daughters to read or write. It made me fall into this rabbit hole about authorship and about what we actually know, the actual facts that we have about Shakespeare, who he was, and what, if anything, he wrote.

I had never heard of Emilia Bassano. I had heard lots of authorship stories before. I’d heard about the Earl of Oxford being the forerunner of the anti-Stratfordian movement, but I had never heard a woman’s name mentioned. When I started to learn more about Emilia Bassano, I couldn’t believe how seamlessly her life plugged in all of the question marks and gaps that exist in Shakespeare’s that allow us to wonder if he actually wrote these works.

Sue Rhoades *92 saw your author’s note about expecting hate mail and antagonism to be off the charts for this book, and asks, “Has it been? Is there any particular area of criticism that has surprised you?”

Interestingly, I was getting pushback for this book before it was even published, which blew me away. I did an event at the Hay Festival in England, and I had some guy, some older academic white male, who published a piece about how I am a crackpot conspiracy theorist. All I could think was, “You haven’t even read the book. How could you know?” That kind of continued after the book was published. Every criticism that I have received has been from someone in academia who has studied Shakespeare. Most are men; there was one woman.

Look, I get it. When you have crafted an entire career and persona around studying Shakespeare, it’s scary to think that maybe what you’ve learned all those years, what you’ve upheld all those years, may not be accurate or true. I think questioning Shakespeare’s authorship doesn’t take away from the plays in any way. I think it brings more people to them. The reality is I have heard from far more people who’ve said to me, “I never really got into Shakespeare. I didn’t understand it, but man, now after this, I’m reading it again, and it suddenly makes sense,” which I think is really interesting.

Ann Mongoven ’84 and Shani Moore ’02 asked about your writing routine, whether and how you battle writer’s block, and how you researched this book.

I don’t believe in writer’s block. I’ve been very vocal about that. I think writer’s block is the luxury of time. I actually think back to my days at Princeton. You had writer’s block, you couldn’t write that essay that was due, until miraculously, it always cleared up the night before it was due, right? Suddenly, you were able to produce a draft.

I started writing professionally when I had a newborn, and then very quickly, two more kids. I was the primary caregiver and I was a novelist, and I would write anytime they were napping, or at nursery school, or not hitting each other over the head with a sippy cup. I got to the point where, honestly, I wrote in 15 minute bursts, because that was all I had.

How did I do the research for this book? Interestingly, like I said, there are such limited amounts of primary source documents that they’re pretty easy to get your hands on, and to read, and to see for yourself.

2 Responses

Elisabeth Pearson Waugaman *70

3 Weeks Ago

Scholars Outside the Mainstream

Researching the French influence in Shakespeare, I discovered two totally ignored French scholars, Abel Lefranc and his student Georges Lambin, whose works have been totally ignored by mainstream academics with good reason. These French scholars make it impossible to believe that Shakspere of Stratford was the author. Why is it that traditional scholars are so wedded to the man from Stratford? Because of group think and tradition. Mendel (genetics), Reus (cancer virus), Wegener (continental drift), Crick and Watson (DNA) are just a few examples of how new discoveries are rejected — especially if accepted theories are proven incorrect. Insulting and demeaning the doubter is the favorite response. After all we have hundreds of biographies of Shakspere of Stratford based on conditionals and assumptions as David Ellis bravely points out in The Truth About William Shakespeare (2012). Nobody who reads Diana Price’s Shakespeare’s Unorthodox Biography: New Evidence of an Authorship Problem (2001) comes away from that study believing Shakspere of Stratford was Shakespeare. The irony of this academic debacle is that for centuries, and still today, traditional academics maintain Shakespeare was not that learned — an opinion that stunted Shakespeare studies until recently when traditional academics decided to ignore the restrictions of what Shakspere of Stratford could have known and just examine the texts, which has opened up a new world in Shakespeare studies, a world totally unknown to Shakspere of Stratford. Ironically, if traditional academics continue to refuse to examine the authorship question, curious non-specialists will. It’s already happening. How tragic that traditional academia has slammed shut the door of the authorship question, which could breathe new life into Shakespeare studies in an age that is witnessing the death not only of Shakespeare studies, but of literature in general in our colleges and universities. Could it be because academics have locked their ivory tower only to discover nobody wants in?

Richard Waugaman ’70

3 Weeks Ago

Proud to See More Authorship Skeptics

“... some older academic white male ... published a piece about how I am a crackpot conspiracy theorist. All I could think was, ‘You haven’t even read the book. How could you know?’”

That about sums up the nasty reaction from Shakespeare specialists. It’s wonderful that it was Elizabeth Winkler ’11 who inspired Jodi.

Yes, it stretches credulity that Shakespeare would have allowed his daughters to be illiterate. Why hasn’t this troubled traditional Shakespeareans? Harvard’s distinguished Shakespeare expert Marjorie Garber at least told Winkler she doesn’t care who the real Shakespeare was.

I’ve been researching the Shakespeare authorship question since 2002, and I’m delighted to count two such prominent Princeton alumnae as fellow authorship skeptics. I hope everyone will read Jodi’s novel, as well as Elizabeth’s book, Shakespeare Was a Woman and Other Heresies: How Doubting the Bard Became the Biggest Taboo in Literature.

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