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Search PAW’s Memorials

David E. Losch ’75

David died on April 14, 2016, at age 61. He entered Princeton with the Class of 1976 but graduated with us in 1975 with a…

Richard G. Hinchliffe ’72

Hinch died Feb. 1, 2019, of glioblastoma at his home in Glen Ridge, N.J. He came to Princeton from Lexington (Mass.) High School, where he…

James A. Winn ’68

James died March 21, 2019, of pancreatic cancer at home in Brattleboro, Vt., surrounded by family. He was 71. With his passing, the class lost…

James D. Walton ’68

Jim died suddenly from toxic shock March 27, 2019, in Boston, Mass. He was 72. Born in Evanston, Ill., he attended New Trier High School…

Richard L. Crawley ’68

Rich died Feb. 20, 2019, in Ann Arbor, Mich. He was 73. He was born in Chicago Dec. 25, 1945. He attended Steinmetz High School…

Richard P. Welcome ’66

Richard died March 23, 2019, at his home in Hilton Head, S.C. Born in South Dakota, Richard graduated from A.C. Flora High School in Columbia…

Peter N. Lord ’65

Peter died Nov. 19, 2017, of mesothelioma at home in Vero Beach, Fla. He came to us from St. Paul’s, majored in English, and took…

Grieg L. Anderson ’65

Grieg died July 15, 2018, due to complications from cancer, in Portland, Ore., where he was born and lived his adult life. He came to…

Charles C. Shenk Jr. ’64

Chick died Jan. 2, 2018, of heart failure in Erie, Pa. He was born in Erie Dec. 3, 1941. His father, Charles, and his father’s…

Richard J. Rizzuti ’64

Rich died April 23, 2019, in Lynbrook, N.Y., after a lengthy pulmonary illness. He was 76. Born May 13, 1942, in Jersey City, N.J., Rich…

Richard R. Royall V ’63

Richard died April 9, 2019, of complications of a stroke in Round Top, Texas. A lawyer, he was managing director and treasurer of Round Top…

W. Reid Pitts ’63

Reid died peacefully on Oct. 19, 2018, having been weakened by blood and lung infections. He had a long career as a urologist in Manhattan…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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