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Search PAW’s Memorials

Albert H. Dudley III ’69

Hank Dudley, a much-admired classmate, died Nov. 19, 2017. A proud and committed graduate of McDonough School, he was a highly accomplished and compassionate orthopedic…

Robert F. Lockwood Jr. ’68

Bob died Oct. 1, 2017, of heart failure. He was 74. Born in Springfield, Mass., he prepared at Deerfield — graduating in 1961 — where…

Michael D. Case ’66

Mike died April 9, 2017. Mike came to Princeton from Arcadia High School in Phoenix, Ariz., following his brother, Claude ’64. At Princeton Mike roomed…

Donald R. McKay ’65

Don died July 28, 2017, after a long and fruitful life. He lived in Roseland, N.J., after having grown up in nearby Livingston, where he…

Robert G. Keller ’63

Bob died May 2, 2017, at home. He was an attorney and investor who lived in Manhattan. Bob came to Princeton from Short Hills, N.J…

Mark R. Adelman ’63

Mark had manifold callings — internationally recognized scientist, teacher of medical students, advocate for better public schools, civic leader, webmaster, and oyster farmer. His life…

George A. Lowell ’60

George died Jan. 10, 2018, from congestive heart failure. He was born and raised in Denver, Colo., and came to us from East High School…

John P. Biro ’60

His children called him “The Great American Success Story.” A Holocaust survivor and an émigré of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, “Jansci” found his way…

Philip H. Woods ’59

Phil died Sept. 9, 2017, in Rockport, Maine, from complications of pituitary cancer. Born in 1936 in Albany, N.Y., he attended Phillips Exeter Academy, where…

Ralph B. Snyder Jr. ’59

Born into an Air Force family in Shreveport, La., Ralph moved regularly in his childhood, living in Japan and Korea before attending high school in…

David A. Iams ’59

David, one of the last full-time society columnists for a major newspaper, died in his sleep Nov. 12, 2017, at his Port Elizabeth, N.J., home…

Stephen A. Decter ’59

Steve died Sept. 5, 2017, of a sudden hemorrhagic stroke. Born in Newark — he was a lifetime resident of New Jersey — he attended…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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