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Charles G. Young Jr. ’62

Charlie died March 5, 2017, of pulmonary fibrosis, at the Gables in Guilford, Conn. Charlie entered Princeton from the Lawrenceville School, where he had been…

David A. McEwen ’61

Dave died May 3, 2017, in Lafayette, Ind. Born in Warren, Ohio, he came to Princeton from Warren G. Harding High School. At Princeton, he…

Charles S. Northen III ’59

Charles died July 1, 2017, in Birmingham, Ala., three miles from the place he was raised. Graduating with the first class of Indian Springs School…

Harvey G. Grossman ’59

Harvey died peacefully July 30, 2017, at home in Corpus Christi, Texas, the city where he was born Dec. 14, 1937. Coming to Princeton from…

Snowden W. Dougherty ’59

Snowden, also known as David or Dave, died Sept. 27, 2016, due to complications from pneumonia. We learned of his death only recently. Years ago…

David Howell ’55

David was born July 30, 1933, in Erie, Pa., to Cynthia and Frank Howell. He died at home Oct. 8, 2017, in Washington, D.C. At…

John R. Skvarla ’54

John died Sept. 3, 2016. He came to Princeton from Turtle Creek High School in Turtle Creek, Pa. He majored in chemical engineering and was…

Charles Millard ’54

Charlie died Dec. 11, 2017, at his Chapel Hill, N.C., home. He came to Princeton from the Nichols School in Buffalo, N.Y. He majored in…

George D. Cope Jr. ’54

George died Oct. 2, 2017, of stage-four lung cancer, a diagnosis he had received in early February 2017. He chose to forgo chemotherapy and had…

James W. Brown Jr. ’54

Jim died Nov. 20, 2017. He graduated from Shaker Heights (Ohio) High School. At Princeton he majored in chemical engineering. He was a member of…

Leonard R. Bogaev ’50

Len, a well-respected urologist, died Oct. 20, 2017, in Fredericksburg, Va. He came to Princeton from Central High School in Philadelphia, Pa. He graduated with…

Glenn A. Hacker Jr. ’49

Glenn died Oct. 27, 2017, in Bonner, Mont. He had lived in the area for many years. He first worked with two architectural firms, and…

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The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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