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Search PAW’s Memorials

John R. Towers ’63

JT died Oct. 26, 2017, in Venice, Fla., of complications of multiple myeloma. He was a financial executive and loyal pal to many classmates. Optimistic…

Murray S. Scureman Jr. ’63

Murray died suddenly Aug. 18, 2017, at home in Potomac, Md. His career spanned computer engineering, government service, and home remodeling. He grew up in…

Charles D. Scudder III ’63

Charles died June 3, 2017. He was a businessman in Louisville, Ky., serving for years as chief financial officer and then chairman and CEO of…

Russell H. Carpenter Jr. ’63

Russ died Sept. 14, 2017, two weeks after a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. He was our salutatorian, a Rhodes scholar, and senior counsel in the…

Russell E. Watson III ’62

Russ died Aug. 30, 2017, at home in Irvington, N.Y. He was 77 years old. He prepared for Princeton at The Hill School in Pennsylvania…

Ed Doughty ’62

Ed died Sept. 17, 2017. He was buried in Pleasantville, N.J., near his hometown of Linwood. Ed said it well in our 50th-reunion book: “Life…

István Steven Csejtey ’61

Steven died June 11, 2017, in Medford, Mass., at the age of 80. Born in Budapest, Hungary, Steven fled to the United States following the…

Robert Wayne Barrowclough ’61

Bob died March 19, 2017. Born in Paterson, N.J., and raised in nearby Hawthorne, Bob came to us from Hawthorne High School. At Princeton he…

John Hobson Grummon ’60

John famously had a smile and a good word for everyone. He acquired his distinctive nickname, “Finn,” by being born in Finland, where his Father…

George Stephens Nicoll ’58

Steve died June 28, 2017, in Bozeman, Mont., of natural causes. He joined our class from Dover High School in New Jersey. At Princeton, Steve…

Robert McAlister ’58

Bob died Aug. 31, 2017, in Kenmore, Wash., from a brain disease. He was a graduate of Lincoln High School in Seattle. At Princeton, he…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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