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L. Page Brown ’40

In the words of the "Splendid Splinter" Ted Williams, "Page Brown was a hell of a fisherman." That was but one tribute to the avid…

Edward J. Kilcullen ’40

A resident of Westchester County, N.Y., for 54 years, Ed died on July 5, 2004. Ed prepared at Newman School. At Princeton he majored in…

John McVickar Haight ’40

On July 27, 1997, Lehigh Professor Emeritus John "Doc" Haight died at his Ontario, Canada, summer home. At a Bethlehem, Pa., memorial service, reflections on…

Thomas B. Kennedy III ’40

Tom died June 22, 2007, in Saratoga, Calif. He prepared at Kent School and followed his father, Thomas Kennedy Jr. '14, and seven other…

H. Coleman Tily ’40

The class and other Princetonians will be saddened by Coley Tily’s death on Nov. 2, 1998. An unusually strong advocate for ’40 and the university…

Smith Palmer Bovie ’40

In our 50th Year Book, Palmer Bovie, who died May 13, 1999, noted, "I always wanted a . . . teaching career, and I managed…

Rufus Worrell III ’40

Rufe died June 10, 2006, after a long career in the paper industry in the Dayton, Ohio, area. Rufe married Gloria B. Ganiard Oct. 4…

Samuel T. Hubbard III ’40

Sam died July 2, 2002. Having prepared at Hotchkiss School, he was on the freshman crew at Princeton and a member of Colonial Club. He…

John Theodore King III ’40

Johnny ("Jack" was the nickname that stuck) died Nov. 2, 2001, in Baltimore from complications of pneumonia. Jack prepared at Boys Latin and Gilman Schools…

William T. Thom III ’40

Bill, a lifelong advocate of peace and understanding in the world, was at peace Aug. 24, 2004, at Foxdale Village, State College, Pa. He prepared…

John Glasson Areson ’40

Jack died Oct. 21, 2003, after surviving a stroke two years earlier. He was born and raised in Montclair, N.J., and attended Montclair State College…

Michael Joseph McCrudden Jr. ’40

Mike, a long-time resident of the Seattle area, died Jan. 20, 2001, from complications from a fall. Mike was a graduate of Haverford School; at…

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PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
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March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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