Research content overview
Faculty Book: Samuel Hynes
Capturing the Allure of Flying in the Great War
Faculty Book: Stephen Macedo
Love and Marriage
Computer Science: Bombs Away!
An app may automatically eliminate the passing car that ruined your photograph
Q&A: Derek Lidow ’73
Leadership Savvy Trumps Inventive Ideas, Says Tech Entrepreneur
Psychology: First Impressions
How much can we learn by judging other people from their faces?
History: America the Profligate
Why we save so little, spend so much, and borrow like crazy
Q&A: Patricia Fernandez-Kelly — Among the Poor
A study of inner-city Baltimore analyzes how the government treats poor people
New Releases
Psychology: Sweet Discovery
Brain research by linguist Adele Goldberg explains why metaphors are so appetizing
Life of the Mind
History: A Murder in Mexico
Never-before-seen photographs shed light on Leon Trotsky’s murder
Politics: Swaying Voters
Hazy thinking? Mangled facts? Those are what many use to rationalize how they vote
Q&A: Meredith Martin, From Books to Bytes
In Short
Chemistry: Micro-Warrior
Unlocking the secret of “silent genes” may lead to the development of new antibiotics
In Short
Faculty Book: Brian Herrera
Psychology: Baby Steps for a Baby Lab
A new facility will examine how the infant brain develops, one cute kid at a time
Jefferson's Great Bargain
Economics and Public Affairs: Trial and Error
Double-blind trials — the gold standard in medical research — may need refining
Astrophysics: Holes in Space
David Spergel ’82 answers the question: Did Interstellar get the science right?