On the Campus Student Conservation Society Brings Global Youth Activists to Princeton The summit brought together bigger countries that have more resources and smaller countries that have more public support for change
On the Campus PAWcast: Professor Forrest Meggers on Princeton Going Zero Carbon Princeton is ‘actually taking the bull by the horns, so to say, and radically transforming the energy infrastructure on campus’
Alumni News Essay: Ecopoetics Probes Link Between People and the Planet ‘This notion resonates with me emotionally. None of us is alone,’ says Serena Alagappan ’20
Alumni News Alyssa Weinberg *22 Wrote an Opera About Climate Change ‘Drift’ explores themes of climate change, migration, and motherhood
Features Growing Green Influenced by their time at Princeton, these eight alumni are working to address climate change
Features The D Word How a broad coalition of students and alumni have built Divest Princeton into a sustainable and influential climate activist group
Features From Princeton to Policymakers Tigers at the State Department are helping to forge international agreements around climate change
Features Humans as Nature Princetonians in the environmental humanities add new dimensions to climate research
Research Q&A: Engineering Professor Yiguang Ju on Electric Vehicles Ju says EVs are the future, but the technology’s not there yet
Research Princeton Plasma Physics Lab Takes on Sustainability Science The PPPL has catalyzed its own change and decided to venture beyond fusion
Features Call It Climate Challenge Some of the smartest, most dedicated people in the world are trying to tackle the warming planet
Alumni News Greening Group Works to Make Reunions Sustainable The group’s ultimate vision is carbon neutrality and zero waste
Research Q&A: Princeton Plasma Physics Lab Director Steve Cowley *85 on Fusion and Climate ‘We really need fusion to achieve net zero carbon emissions’