Features content overview
Eisgruber Takes Charge
The new occupant of One Nassau Hall is a folk-rock fan with a sharp sense of humor and a deep interest in ethics — and a plan to spend the...
LIVES: Klaus Goldschlag *49
A life of luck and pluck
Agony! Ecstasy!
The thesis is a senior’s final lonely journey
Black alumni tell their stories
A ‘Prince of Polling’
When a Democratic candidate needs data to win a race, Mark Mellman ’78 is likely to get the call
LIVES: Charles W. Rosen ’48 *51
Pianist and scholar who always had something interesting to say
The future of education?
As the world gets a taste of Princeton, Princeton gets ideas to improve at home
Knitting parents together — virtually
Running the Race
Despite the state of politics, these alumni don’t regret their trips down the campaign trail
LIVES: Dawn Jahn Moses ’88
Advocate for the forgotten
Glimmers of greatness?
Well-known Princetonians and their thesis topics
Honorary degrees
Buddy Story
In this script, two college friends dream of the big time, muddle through rejection, and come away with TV’s top honor
Hitting the high notes
The Chapel Choir perfects Sundays
LIVES: Sanford N. McDonnell ’44
Executive and eternal Eagle Scout
DIVERSITY: A work in progress
Words to live by
During commencement week, the messages can be humorous or serious
Tigers and Dinosaurs
In the golden age of paleontology, Princetonians joined in the ‘Bone Wars’ to build a renowned collection — even if that sometimes meant academic hanky-panky
Music without borders
For student composers, experimentation rules the day
LIVES: Peter H. Gott ’57
Small-town doctor with national reach
STUDENT LIFE: The ‘fun’ quotient
A wonderful life
For nearly seven decades, Butler Tract has formed a happy domestic backdrop for students — not bad for ‘temporary housing’