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John C. Richards ’42

Jack graduated first in his class at Roosevelt High School in Yonkers, N.Y. At Princeton he majored in chemistry, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa…

John Montague Ely Jr. ’41

Jy died March 30, 2007, from complications following surgery, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A descendant of one of Cedar Rapids’ founding families, his father was…

Robert Gunther McCullam ’41

Bob died March 21, 2007, after a long and courageous bout with cancer. He came to Princeton from the Pingry School, where he was president…

David Scott Thompson ’39

Dave died Oct. 30, 2007, at Monroe Village in Jamesburg, N.J., a retirement community where he and his wife, Barbara, were living in order to…

Oliver Hershman Havens ’39

Ollie died Oct. 28, 2007, in Florida of complications from Parkinson’s disease. He came to us from Westfield (N.J.) High School, where he was class…

Norman McClave Jr. ’34

Norm McClave, who worked at Northern Trust Co. in Chicago from 1934 to 1977 and retired as a senior vice president, died Nov. 16, 2007…

F. Tremaine Billings Jr. ’33

F. Tremaine “Josh” Billings Jr., Rhodes Scholar, gifted athlete, and respected professor of medicine, died Sept. 16, 2007, in Nashville, Tenn. He was 95. Josh…

Joseph L. Henderson ’27

Joe Henderson died Nov. 24, 2007, after a short illness. He was 104 and had been active professionally as a Jungian psychologist until 2005. Born…

Michael S. Mahoney *67

After graduating magna cum laude from Harvard, he studied for two years at the University of Munich before beginning doctoral study at Princeton. He was…

Anthony J. Russo *63

At Princeton, Russo earned master’s degrees in engineering (1963) and public affairs (1964). After Princeton, he worked for the Rand Corp. Through Ellsberg, a friend…

Willis A. Lebourveau ’49 *50

He prepared for Princeton at Somerville (N.J.) High School and served in the Army in the European theater from 1943 to 1945. At Princeton he…

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PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
The Latest Issue

March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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