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Search PAW’s Memorials

Carl Frederick Paulson ’45 *48

At Princeton, he was a member of the Glee Club, played in the marching band, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He graduated with…

Charles E. Mitchell ’63 *67

A champion pole-vaulter at Princeton and a legendary member of Tiger Inn, he set an enduring record at 15 feet 3 inches when the world…

Irwin E. Vas *55

Starting at Catholic University, Vas earned a bachelor’s in mechanical and aeronautical engineering, and in 1955 received a master’s in that field from Princeton. He…

Lawrence L. Rauch *49

In 1941, Rauch received a bachelor’s in math and physics from the University of Southern California and enrolled in the Princeton Graduate School. From 1943…

Robert F. Goheen ’40 *48

So much has been published about Bob that this limited space can only begin to honor his life and achievements. He prepared at the Lawrenceville…

Lacey W. Gallagher *88

Lacey W. Gallagher, a managing director at the investment firm Credit Suisse, died Feb. 27, 2008, of ovarian cancer. She was 45. Gallagher graduated from…

William D. Wu ’61 *79

Bill succumbed to lung cancer Dec. 18, 2007, while traveling in Shanghai, the city of his birth. Long before his death he had become an…

Hugh Bell Ogburn ’45 *55

Hugh Ogburn died Oct. 23, 2007, at his home in Honolulu. Hugh entered Princeton from Westville (N.J.) High School and joined Dial Lodge. Accelerating his…

Frederick Seitz *34

Frederick Seitz, a distinguished physicist and president emeritus of Rockefeller University, died March 2, 2008. He was 96. Seitz received a bachelor’s degree from Stanford…

John Garrett Penn *68

John Garrett Penn, former chief judge of the U.S. District Court of Washington, D.C., died Sept. 9, 2007, of cancer. He was 75. Penn graduated…

Howard S. Merritt *58

Howard S. Merritt, a longtime professor of art at the University of Rochester, died peacefully June 25, 2007, at the age of 92. Merritt earned…

Rex D. Davis *66

Rex D. Davis, former director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) who started out by arresting “moonshiners,” died Jan. 7, 2008…

Memorial PAWcasts



PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
The Latest Issue

March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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