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John McHenry Schuler ’49 *52

JOHN SCHULER passed away at his home in Issaquah, Wash., June 23, 1990, a victim of heart disease. John was born may 5, 1928 in…

Murrray Peabody Brush III ’49

Murray died Dec. 13, 2003. He was 74. He prepared at California Prep and followed his father and both grandfathers to Princeton, where he majored…

Gardiner Trowbridge II ’49

NOTE: The following is a corrected version of a memorial published in the Jan. 27, 1999, issue of PAW. Gar Trowbridge, son of the late…

Walton George Grayson III ’49

Walt died Dec. 21, 1999, at home. He was 71. He came to Princeton from Highland Park H.S. in Dallas. He majored in economics and…

Frank A. McFerran Jr. ’49

Frank, a prominent Pittsburgh attorney, died Oct. 18, 1994, after losing a valiant struggle with a cancerous brain tumor. He was born in Cincinnati on…

Leroy Frantz Jr. ’49

Lee died on Oct. 5, 2002, of pancreatic cancer. He was 74. He came to Princeton from Deerfield Academy and served in the Army from…

James Greeley McGowin II ’48

The class is saddened to record the death of Greeley McGowin on Feb. 18, after a brief illness at his home in Chapman, Ala. He…

Victor H. Hexter II ’48

HEXTER, a builder and developer and member of a pioneer Dallas family, died Jan. 27, 1992. Vic attended Andover Preparatory Academy and served during WWII…

John C. Howatt ’48

John died April 12, 2004, with his sons and daughters by his side. A native of Detroit who grew up in Tenafly, N.J., John graduated…

Donald James O'Hare ’48

Don O’Hare died peacefully July 25, 2007, in the presence of his loving family. He would have been 81 on July 28. Don graduated…

Robert Emmet McKeever ’48

Bob McKeever died Feb. 5, 1997, in NYC. He was a graduate of Pingry and cum laude in politics from Princeton. He was a member…

Martin Humphrey Moynihan ’48

Martin Moynihan, an authority on animal behavior who built the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama into a world-class scientific center, died Dec. 3, 1996…

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PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
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March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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