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Alexander Cameron III ’36

Sandy, a resident of Reading, Pa., died Sept. 15, 1999. He prepared at St. George's School in Newport, R.I. Most of his career was spent…

Caleb Fellows Fox III ’35

Cabe died Nov. 3, 1995, of a cancer which he had looked calmly in the eye for a year, during which he continued to amuse…

Stryker Warren ’35

Stryker Warren died Mar. 14, 1996, in Clearwater, Fla., as a result of complications after surgery for an aortic aneurysm. He was 83. Stryker prepared…

Rodger E. MacQuigg ’35

RODGER E. MACQUIGG died at the age of 79 in Albuquerque Feb. 3, 1993. Rodger was a prominent surgeon, and a pioneer of thoracic and…

Durand Echeverria ’35 *50

Itch died in Wellfleet, Mass., on May 21, 2001. Born in Short Hills, N.J., his early years in schools in Cuba and the US hinted…

Walter Willard Walker ’35

Walt died on May 6, 2001, in Minneapolis, Minn. He prepared for Princeton at the Blake School, where he was known for his many both…

Nelson Thomasson III ’35

Nels died Aug. 6, 1999, in Garrett County Memorial Hospital, Oakland, Md., near his summer home in Mountain Lake Park. He was 86. Son of…

Edwin Smith Carney II ’35

Born in Staten Island, N.Y., son of Philip Wildes Carney 1902, Ed died at Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Medford, Mass., on Apr. 4, 2000, a month…

James Miller Hustead II ’35

Jim "Phoebe" Hustead II, who was quite particular about being known by his army rank of lieutenant colonel, died Dec. 25, 1997. He was 83…

Robert Wardrop II ’35

Bob Wardrop died in Pittsburgh U.'s medical center on Sept. 4, 1999, at age 85. Born in Fort Wayne, Ind., son of W. Miller Wardrop…

Roderick McKenzie ’35

RODERICK DIED Jan. 10, 1992, at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac, Mich. He was 79. Rod was an advertising executive for the Detroit Free Press…

Equen Burleson Meader ’35

Yank died May 18, 1997, in Honeoye Falls, N.Y., where he had lived for many years. His early education was at Peekskill Military Academy, from…

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PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
The Latest Issue

March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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