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Search PAW’s Memorials

Elliott Harrison ’74

Like too many of us, perhaps, we fall out of touch with roommates and friends from Princeton, and found out unexpectedly last Christmas that our…

Peter Hendrickson ’74

Peter Hendrickson died Jan. 21, 1996, of complications arising from AIDS. He was 44. He was an extraordinary friend to many, a psychologist of great…

Judith Selverstone Shaw ’74

Judy died of cancer Dec. 27, 2004, in Boston. Judy entered Princeton in 1969 with the first class of women, the Class of '73. She…

Carter K. Combe ’74

Carter Combe, a resident of Scarsdale, N.Y., died of a heart attack while playing basketball Dec. 20, 1994. Originally a member of the Class of…

Thomas M. Ford ’74

On May 11, 2002, the class lost a compassionate and caring friend, and a dedicated family man, when Tom Ford died suddenly of heart failure…

James S. S. Howell ’74

The class is deeply saddened by the death of Jimbo Howell on Oct. 14, 1997, while playing a competitive squash match in his native Atlanta…

Scott P. Klurfeld ’74

Scott died on Mar. 18, 2000, as a result of an auto accident that also claimed his wife, Janis. Scott and Janis were taking their…

Ralph L. Stanley ’74

Ralph "Steamer" died of melanoma on Apr. 2, 2001. He faced a harrowing illness with bravery and his incomparable wit and humor. Ralph was from…

William Brewster Mitchell ’74

BREW MITCHELF died of cancer July 2, 1993. The son of S. Keene Mitchell Jr. '36 of Kingston, Penn., Brew came to Princeton from the…

Claire Tracy Townsend ’74

Claire Townsend succumbed to breast cancer Dec. 19, 1995. At Princeton Claire majored in English, joined Tower Club, and was active in Triangle Club. She…

Lee Kelty Hannah ’74

LEE KELTY HANNAH died in an automobile accident near Leeds, England, April 18, 1992. Lee came to Princeton from Horace Greeley High School in Chappaqua…

Mark Zamkov ’74

Mark Zamkov, loving family man and loyal friend, lost a 15-year battle with cancer Aug. 31, 1998. Zam arrived in New Haven from Poland in…

Memorial PAWcasts



PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
The Latest Issue

March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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