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Bell sets out to offer readers a behind-the-scenes deep dive into the making of the Academy Award-winning 1970 documentary Woodstock…

How Boys Learn

In this collection of stories, Kirchick presents a different perspective challenging the belief that concepts like “toxic masculinity” can push…

Mind of State

Drawn from the Mind of State podcast, this new book features a compilation of conversations in an effort to piece…

Speculation Nation

In Speculation Nation (University of Pennsylvania Press) Blaakman provides a detailed account of the impact of land speculation, which ran…

When We Walk By

A groundbreaking and at times somber account of one of the more pressing problems of modern American life, this new…

Games of Chance

The novel Games of Chance (Raquel Drosos Publications) tells the stories of Alex, Seb, and Emilia. Following a tragedy, the…


In an effort to interrupt Planck’s principle — the view that scientific truths triumph because of the death of a…