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Search PAW’s Memorials

Heather Ann Peters *76

Heather died April 24, 2021, in Philadelphia of injuries she sustained in a bicycling accident. She was 74. Raised in Roslyn, Long Island, Heather earned…

Julia Maniates Reibetanz *69

Julia died May 4, 2021, in Toronto of pancreatic cancer at age 78. At the age of 5, Julia began musical studies at the University…

Franklin Chandler Davidson *69

Chandler died April 10, 2021, of a massive brain inflammation in Houston. He was born May 13, 1936, in Texas. After joining the Navy and…

Donald Norman Winch *60

Donald died June 12, 2017, in Sussex, UK, at age 82. Donald was born April 15, 1935, in London. He graduated from the London School…

Michael Menaker *60

Michael died Feb. 14, 2021, in Charlottesville, Va. Born May 19, 1934, in Vienna, Austria, Michael earned a bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore in 1955 and…

Steven Weinberg *57

A Nobel Laureate and Madison medalist, Steven died July 23, 2021, in Austin, Texas. Born May 3, 1933, in New York, he earned a bachelor’s…

Jonathan P. Horner ’96

Jon died Dec. 15, 2019, after a brief and ferocious battle with cancer. Jon prepared for Princeton at Exeter, where he was a prize-winning Greek…

William C. Gallaher ’92

Will died May 19, 2021, at home in Mansfield, Mass. Will spoke passionately about his time at Princeton, where he graduated summa cum laude in…

Benjamin Jeffrey Dalton ’84

Jeff died May 28, 2021, at his home in Arlington, Texas. He was born Nov. 11, 1961, in Fort Worth, Texas, and graduated from Arlington…

Lawrence O. Graham ’83

Larry died Feb. 19, 2021, in his sleep at his home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Larry came to Princeton from White Plains (N.Y.) High School. He…

Marian M. Demos ’83

Marian died Oct. 21, 2018. Born April 14, 1964, Marian was one of the younger members of our class. From Hamburg, N.Y., She was one…

L. Charlene Cosman ’76

Charlene passed away peacefully May 20, 2021, in Northport, N.Y., five years after being diagnosed with multiple system atrophy. At Princeton she sang in the…

Memorial PAWcasts



PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
The Latest Issue

March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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