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Harold M. Whitacre Jr. ’58

Jock died July 28, 2017. A graduate of Cuyahoga Falls (Ohio) High School, he was active in publications and athletics. At Princeton, he majored in…

Frank E. McDonnell ’58

Frank died July 24, 2017, in Lansdale, Pa. Before coming to Princeton Frank graduated from Dunmore (Pa.) High School, where he played basketball and ran…

Charles B. Sharp ’57

Chuck died May 22, 2017, at the age of 82 in Springdale, Ark. While at Princeton, he majored in sociology, ate at Cottage, and played…

Thomas Duckworth ’57

Tom died June 3, 2017. At Princeton, Tom was a wrestler and member of the Triangle stage crew. Before Princeton, he attended the Taft School…

Remington Squier Ball ’57

Spike died May 18, 2017, at age 81 at the Ball family home in Lafayette, Ind. He had been in hospice care, yet at the…

Robert Geoffrey Neville ’53

Jeff was born in Bethlehem, Pa., and came to Princeton from Liberty High School. He majored in chemistry and was a member of Quadrangle Club…

James E. Green ’53

Jim was born in Mobile, Ala., but moved to Atlanta at the age of 10, where he graduated from Henry Grady High School. At Grady…

Vincent R. Duffy ’53

Vincent died Aug. 11, 2017, in Colorado. Duffy was born in Paterson, N.J., and prepared for Princeton at St. Peter’s Preparatory School. He majored in…

Thomas J. Mullen ’48

Tom died Sept. 8, 2017, in Greenwich, Conn. Born in 1926 in Westfield, N.J., he grew up in Westfield and in Point Pleasant, N.J. Tom…

Hudson Stoddard ’44

Hud died Oct. 2, 2017, in New Canaan, Conn. He was an original Nassoon, played lacrosse, and was a member of Tower Club, Madison Debating…

Charles R. Schwab ’44

Charlie died Aug. 24, 2017, in Danvers, Mass. At Princeton he majored in politics and was a member of Prospect Club. He left Princeton for…

Ray Bradford Murphy ’44 *49

Brad died Aug. 28, 2017. He grew up in Montclair, N.J., and graduated from Andover Academy. At Princeton he roomed with Pete Schultz and was…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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