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Search PAW’s Memorials

Paul N. Temple ’44

Paul died Nov. 29, 2016, in San Rafael, Calif., with many family members present. He won a scholarship to Princeton and majored in politics. Paul…

William H. Roehl *55

William Roehl, an award-winning architect who practiced for 60 years, died peacefully April 4, 2016. He was 87. Roehl graduated from the University of Kansas…

Jayme Tiomno *50

Jayme Tiomno, a prominent Brazilian physicist, died Jan. 12, 2011, at home of natural causes. He was 90. Born in Rio de Janeiro to Russian…

Peter Clarke ’73

Peter died Jan. 8, 2017, at Wake County Medical Center in Raleigh, N.C. He was 65. A loving partner, father, brother, and doctor, Peter spent…

Margaret Cannella ’73

Margaret died Nov. 24, 2016, of vascular cancer at the age of 64. She grew up in Queens, and she majored in East Asian studies…

Edward M. Elliott ’62

Ned died Dec. 20, 2016, surrounded by his family at home in San Francisco, after a long battle with cancer. Ned came to us from…

Samuel F. Hinkle Jr. ’59

Sam died Aug. 24, 2016, in Naples, Fla. He battled cancer for two years. Born in Harrisburg, Pa., Sam grew up in Hershey, where his…

Adlai S. Hardin Jr. ’59

An accomplished and dynamic life drew to a close Oct. 29, 2016, in Vienna, Austria, with the passing of Ad Hardin. Ad had gone to…

H.P. Schrauff ’57

Put died Oct. 16, 2016, in Dallas, Texas. He majored in the Woodrow Wilson School, joined Cannon Club, and was active in Triangle. His senior-year…

Sidney Pestka ’57

Sid died Dec. 22, 2016, surrounded by family. The quintessential scientist since adolescence, he was afflicted with dementia. While at Princeton he played intramural hockey…

Berdine Groel ’57

Dean was a valued and active member of our class. While at Princeton he majored in art and archaeology, was active in Triangle, and played…

John V. Bennett ’57

John died July 18, 2013, in Atlanta. At Princeton he joined Terrace Club, majored in sociology, and participated in IAA sports. He was a member…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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