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Search PAW’s Memorials

Philip B. Smith ’58

Phil died on Jan. 29, 2016, in Delray Beach, Fla. He entered Princeton from Trinity-Pawling School. A chemical engineering major, Phil rowed on the freshman…

Bradley R. Brewer ’58

Brad died Jan. 2, 2016, in New York City, of complications from heart disease. He prepared at Westside High School in Omaha, Neb. At Princeton…

Donald W. Stake ’57

Don died Feb. 21, 2016, in Schenectady, N.Y., surrounded by family. While at Princeton, Don majored in English, was active in the Chapel Choir, and…

Lynn W. Hall ’57

Lynn died Jan. 9, 2016. In 1975, already a leading Shearson Lehman stockbroker, Lynn created the Hall Management Group, a dynamic trading entity within Shearson…

Ronald Miller ’54

Ron died March 9, 2016, of complications from a fall. Born in New York City, he majored in biology at Princeton. He was a member…

Daniel D. Merrill ’54

Dan died March 13, 2016, two days after surgery for a hip fracture. Born in South Bend, Ind., he attended Riley High School. His Princeton…

Francis Stuart Harmon ’54

Stu died April 2, 2016, at the Village at Summerville in South Carolina. Born in Lynchburg, Va., he attended Horace Mann School for Boys. At…

Richard Warden ’53

Richard died March 11, 2016. He was born in India, but his father, a major with the British Royal Horse Artillery, died when Richard was…

William A. Tryon II ’53

Bill died March 12, 2016, in Elmira, N.Y., where he was born and raised. At Princeton, Bill played baseball and football all four years and…

Alan W. Osborne ’53

Alan died April 6, 2016. He was born in Summit, N.J., and came to Princeton from Hotchkiss School. He joined Tower Club, majored in biology…

Lewis Kleinhans III ’53

Lewis died April 5, 2016, in Litchfield, Conn. Lewis was born in Newark, N.J., and came to Princeton by way of the Princeton Country Day…

Frank Sparrow ’52

Frank died Feb. 21, 2016. He graduated from the Englewood School for Boys and joined Tiger Inn, played JV football, and belonged to the Student…

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PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
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March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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