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Search PAW’s Memorials

Louis N. Howard *53

Louis Howard, professor emeritus of mathematics at MIT and retired professor emeritus at Florida State University, died June 28, 2015, at age 86. Howard earned…

Frederick H. Hartmann *49

Frederick Hartmann, retired professor at the Naval War College, died Nov. 15, 2015, at the age of 93. Hartmann graduated from the University of California…

Paul J. Hollis ’84

Paul died Jan. 23, 2016. At Princeton, Paul played lacrosse and was awarded status as an All-Ivy attackman. He majored in political science and graduated…

Jennifer Small ’77

The following is an expanded version of a memorial from the Sept. 14, 2016, issue. Jennifer died Monday, June 15, 2015, in Lake Oswego, Ore…

Theresa Perry Person ’77

Theresa died Sept. 6, 2015, in San Jose, Calif. after a battle with cancer. After Princeton, Theresa worked in the financial-services industry, mostly in the…

Thomas B. Vanderbeek ’76

The following is an expanded version of a memorial from the Sept. 14, 2016, issue. Tom died Feb. 28, 2016, in Suffern, N.Y. He was…

Laurence Walker ’70

Larry died after a difficult fight with cancer Nov. 14, 2015. While at Princeton, his baritone voice memorably enriched the Footnotes and parties at Quad…

Anthony Pelino Jr. ’70

Tony died Aug. 19, 2014, in Binghamton, N.Y. He was a lifelong and loyal resident of the tri-cities area of the Southern Tier counties of…

Ralph E. Bodine ’66

Ralph died March 7, 2016, at his home in Central Saanich, British Columbia, Canada. He was surrounded by his wife, Linda, and six children. Ralph…

Harold T. Peterson Jr. ’63

Hal, a health physicist who was a national leader in setting standards for protecting the public against radiation damage, died Jan. 16, 2016. Retired from…

Martin D. Alexander ’63

Martin died March 6, 2016, at home in Santa Rosa, Calif., after a 10-year struggle with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. A groundbreaker in artificial intelligence, microprocessing…

John E. Zuccotti ’59

John died Nov. 19, 2015. Born in Manhattan, he attended La Salle Military Academy. As a freshman at Princeton, John won the Spencer Trask Debating…

Memorial PAWcasts



PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
The Latest Issue

March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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