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Steven L. Detweiler ’69

Steve’s death was both startling and sad. A professor of physics at the University of Florida in Gainesville, he died Feb. 8, 2016, during his…

Bill W. Volckens ’68

[node:field-image-collection:0:render] Billy died Dec. 9, 2015, in Durham, N.C. He was born Feb. 19, 1946, in Evanston, Ill., and graduated from New Trier High School…

Oscar Seaburn Eaton III ’66

Burn died suddenly Feb. 27, 2016, in Montgomery, Ala., his home for many years. He grew up in Pittsburgh and graduated with honors from Shady…

Dallas P. Dickinson ’66

Dallas died Dec. 7, 2015. Born in Akron, Ohio, Dallas graduated from Swoyersville (Pa.) High School, where he was class valedictorian, president of the honor…

Mark K. Blackman III ’65

Mark died Sept. 20, 2015, from lung cancer after a long struggle involving surgery and chemotherapy. After serving as president of his class at Central…

Raymond J. Yatko ’63

Ray died March 14, 2016, in Grapevine, Texas, of sepsis. A computer expert (“a mainframe/dinosaur guy,” he said), Ray earned a master’s degree in computer…

Richard Hal Williams ’63

Hal, an eminent history professor and former dean at Southern Methodist University, died Feb. 10, 2016, at home in Dallas from complications of a recent…

Peter A. Cohen ’63

Born in Switzerland, Peter arrived in the United States as an exchange student in Great Falls, Mont., an eye-opening cultural experience that led him to…

Wolfgang H. Puchtler ’62

Wolf died Nov. 17, 2015, in Puyallup, Wash., of complications related to hypothermia. He came to Princeton from Vestal (N.Y.) High School and roomed with…

David T. Moran ’62

Dave died Nov. 5, 2015, in Colorado from complications of pulmonary fibrosis. He had become ill while hiking in Hawaii. Dave came to us from…

James C. Kellogg IV ’61

The University and the class suffered a great loss with Jim’s Dec. 31, 2015, death from congestive heart failure. Born in Summit, N.J., Jim grew…

Cornelius M. Ulman ’60

Neil died Feb. 27, 2016, following a stroke. At Princeton, Neil developed his writing skills at the Tiger magazine, where he served as editor during…

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PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
The Latest Issue

March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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