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George Adamson Broadbent ’45

George Broadbent died March 14, 2004. George entered Princeton from St. Andrew's and joined Elm Club. His Princeton career was interrupted by service as a…

Charles J. Vermilye Jr. ’45

JOHN VERMILYE DIED Dec. 5, 1993. Since 1957, he had lived in Bethesda, Md. John came to Princeton from Taft in the fall of 1941…

William Schoonover Decker II ’45

Bill died Aug. 9, 2007. Bill prepared for Princeton at Montclair Academy in New Jersey. He joined Dial Lodge, but also joined the V-12 program…

Isaac Starr Jr. ’44

Isaac Starr Jr. died in Philadelphia of an apparent heart attack on May 24, 1997. He was 74. A graduate of Chestnut Hill Academy in…

Hally Peter Wall ’44

Peter died on July 9, 2000, after a 10-year battle with Parkinson's disease. He came to Princeton from St. Paul's School, winning freshman numerals in…

Gene Gamble ’44

Gene died of congestive heart complications Dec. 17, 2004, in Scottsdale, Ariz. He was 81. He attended McKeesport [Pa.] High School, where he was president…

James J. McCaffrey ’44

Jim died on July 21, 2001, doing what he loved most, fishing, when he suffered a stroke. He died in Bangor, near his retirement homes…

John C. McLeod ’44

JACK DIED of a heart attack Mar. 5, 1994. He was 72. A Princeton son of Donald McLeod '12, he joined the class, along with…

Henry Stuart Patterson II ’44

Henry died Dec. 1, 2002. He came to Princeton from St. Mark's and majored in economics. A member of Ivy Club, he roomed with Bob…

Adam Fry Shaner II ’44

AD DIED May 26, 1991, in Easton, Penn. He was one of a number who withdrew from Princeton at the end of his sophomore year…

Andrew Wilson Green ’44

Andy died Nov. 29, 2003, in Ridgefield, Conn. He prepared at Kiskiminetas Springs School. At Princeton he majored in architecture, and was a member of…

William P. Barba II ’44

Bill Barba, a former dean and v.p. of Temple U medical school, died on May 20, 2000, in his home in Jenkintown, Pa., where he…

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PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
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March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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