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Search PAW’s Memorials

Janice M. Enagonio ’80

Janice died Jan. 16, 2004, after a promising career as a physics researcher. While still in high school in Gaithersburg, Md., Janice delved deeply into…

Reginald R. Moyer Jr. ’80

Our friend and classmate Russ Moyer died July 4, 2005, from complications related to kidney failure. Russ came to Princeton from Fitch High School in…

Cynthia Phillips Paolucci ’80

Cindy lost her battle against cancer and died May 22, 1995, at her home in Haddonfield, N.J. She grew up in Haddonfield and was valedictorian…

Thomas Earl Page ’80

Tom Page was a mercurial soul who entered Princeton with the Class of 1979, took a year off, joined the Class of 1980, and departed…

Kevin Michael Granison ’80

Kevin died July 15, 2007, of congestive heart failure after a career that began in the insurance industry and culminated in his leadership of the…

Philip Alan Rogers ’79

Phil died Dec. 31, 2005, several days after suffering a severe stroke. Phil spent his early school years in England, becoming an excellent rugby player…

Walker Fry Rucker Jr. ’79

WE SEND our sincerest condolences to the family of Walker F. Rucker Jr., who died of cardiac arrest on Aug. 27, 1989, at UVA Hospital…

Donald B. Gordon ’79

DON GORDON, 34, died Jan. 27, 1992. Born and raised in Houston, Don was valedictorian at James Madison High School. Don lived at Princeton Inn…

Douglas M. Ely ’79 *81

A traffic accident on the Washington, D.C., beltway claimed Doug’s life March 2, 2006. He was 47. Doug was one of the most traveled members…

Lisa Hopewell ’79

THE CLASS OF 1979 sadly reports the death of Lisa Ala Hopewell, who was murdered in California, in Jan. 1991. Lisa is remembered by family…

Lloyd Peter Wallace ’79

LLOYD DIED OF AIDS May 14, 1990, at his home in Philadelphia. His illness had been diagnosed at least two years earlier. Lloyd was born…

Darryl Terrence Pressley ’79

DARRYL PRESSLEY died Oct. 22,1990, in Washington, D.C. Darryl attended Washington, D.C. public schools before enrolling at the Asheville School in N.C., from which he…

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PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
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March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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