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Search PAW’s Memorials

Gerardo Angulo Mestas ’78

Gerry died Oct. 23, 2015, in an automobile accident during a business trip to the Dominican Republic. Gerry came to Princeton from John Jay High…

Christopher M. Ragus ’72

Chris died peacefully May 30, 2016, at his home in Canandaigua, N.Y., after a long illness resulting from a major stroke in 2013. Chris was…

C. Douglas Galloway IV ’69

Doug died May 15, 2016, at his Montgomery County, Pa., home. A native of Chambersburg, Pa., he graduated from Chambersburg High School. After earning his…

James R. Kelly ’68

Jim died April 12, 2016, in Wall, N.J. Born Jan. 27, 1946, in Elizabeth, N.J., he lived most of his life in Wall. Jim graduated…

David Kidd ’66

David died July 30, 2016, in San Diego, his home for many years, as a result of cancer. David came to Princeton from Bethesda-Chevy Chase…

George W. Miller ’63

George, a distinguished and widely respected member of our class, died peacefully June 27, 2016, at home in Falls Church, Va. Born in Schenectady, N.Y…

Robert W. Feakins ’63

Bob, a software entrepreneur who lived in Palos Verdes, Calif., died April 10, 2016. Born in Lebanon, Pa., Bob majored in math at Princeton and…

Jerry N. Clark ’63

Jerry died April 9, 2016, at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington. He had suffered from complications of a head injury after a fall in January…

Alfred D. Steinberg ’62

Alfred died June 14, 2016, from an infection, having suffered from Lewy body dementia. Fred came to us from Great Neck High School. Exuding energy…

Thomas R. Poole ’58

Tom died June 28, 2016, in Armidale, Australia, after a 10-year battle with prostate cancer. He was a graduate of the Nott Terrace High School…

Boomslang V. Meade ’58

Vin, who changed his first name to Boomslang in 1990, died of a heart attack June 22, 2016, in Hillsboro Pines, Fla. He came to…

Hilary Lipsitz ’55

Hilary was born June 23, 1933, in Baltimore, and died Aug. 4, 2016, in Manhattan’s Mt. Sinai West Hospital of complications from pulmonary hypertension. At…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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