Heber Smith Morris ’27
HEBE DIED Sept. 6, 1991. In '27's THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR RECORD he declared that his principal pastime was "the family," to which he could have added…
William R. Thomas III ’27
Bill Thomas died Sept. 9, 1993, after a long battle with cancer, He came to us from Lawrenceville, played on our freshman tennis squad, and…
Nicholas Fletcher Palmer III ’27
Nick died on Aug. 1, 1989, in his 84th year, in West Palm Beach, Fla. After preparing at St. Mark's School and enjoying life at…
Donald Robert McLean ’27
DON, WHO DIED Aug. 9, 1990, inherited a long Princeton tradition. His greatgreat grandfather, Samuel Finley, was president, 176166, when Princeton was the College of…
John McNaughton Myers ’27
Mac Myers, who died on Apr. 23, 1999, was a proverbial pillar of the community in his birthplace and hometown of Mercersburg, Pa., where he…
Milford A. Koehler ’27
Mil, who died on Mar. 7, 1999, enjoyed two successful careers before his second retirement in 1970. He spent 25 years in the U.S. Army…
Frederic Wardenburg III ’27
Frederic Wardenburg III died Aug. 10, 1997, at a nursing home in Scottsdale, Ariz., of respiratory problems. Fred came to us from Friends School, played…
Carl F. Fayen ’27
CARL DIED Sept. 29, 1990, in retirement at New Canaan, Conn. There he read, walked, golfed, played tennis, and enjoyed the senior men's club. He…
Melville H. Bearns Jr. ’27
WE HAVE just received word of Buss's death Apr. 20, 1992, of heart failure at his farm in Warrenton, Va. Buss left Princeton in Feb…
Lewis Rumford II ’26
Lew Rumford, well known in Baltimore and a loyal member of the class, died July 25, 1997, a cancer victim, at Broadmead, a retirement community…
Dewitt Hendee Smith ’26
DeWitt, scholar, athlete, and distinguished physician, died Mar. 4, 1991, at Corvallis, Ore. A junior Phi Bete, DeWitt rowed on the crew and was a…
William J. Lonnquist ’26
BILL LONNQUIST, of Northfield, Ill., died on March 11, 1990, after a long Illness. Bill came to Princeton from Lake Forest Academy, was a member…
Memorial PAWcasts

March 2025
Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.
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