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Robert McDougal Jr. ’26

BOB McDOUGAL, wellknown Chicago lawyer, excellent golfer, and supporter of childcare and minority causes, died of heart failure May 23, 1993. At Princeton, Bob was…

Lewis Rumford II ’26

Lew Rumford, well known in Baltimore and a loyal member of the class, died July 25, 1997, a cancer victim, at Broadmead, a retirement community…

Dewitt Hendee Smith ’26

DeWitt, scholar, athlete, and distinguished physician, died Mar. 4, 1991, at Corvallis, Ore. A junior Phi Bete, DeWitt rowed on the crew and was a…

William J. Lonnquist ’26

BILL LONNQUIST, of Northfield, Ill., died on March 11, 1990, after a long Illness. Bill came to Princeton from Lake Forest Academy, was a member…

Henry Easton McMahon ’25

East McMahon died at his home in Southbury, Conn., Apr. 20, 1995. He was born in Brooklyn, Jan. 15, 1902. He attended Adelphi Academy, was…

Stephen Campbell Cleaves ’25

IN THE DEATH OF Steve Cleaves Mar. 18, 1991, the Class has lost another of its outstanding members. He was born in Oil City, Penn…

David Merle Corcoran ’25

DAVID CORCORAN, president and organizer of the international division of Sterling Products Co. for 40 years before his retirement in 1973, died in his sleep…

Wheder McDougal ’25

"WHEE" McDOUGAL was born in Peoria, Ill., and died there at age 87 on Feb. 24, 1989. He prepared at Lawrenceville and also attended Kenyon…

Raymond C. McCreery ’25

RAY MCCREERY was born in Fall River, Mass., Sept 1, 1901. He prepared at Moses Brown and Lawrenceville, A popular and loyal member of the…

Robert Wallace McClenahan ’24

ROBERT MCCLENALLAN DIED Oct. 31, 1993, in Barnstable, where he had lived since 1978. Wally was born in Egypt, where he lived until 1918. He…

Carleton Putnam ’24

Carleton Putnam, airline pioneer, biographer, and writer, died Mar. 5, 1998, at his home in Charlottesville, Va., of pneumonia. After Princeton, he became an aviation…

William McAfee Hanna ’24

BILL HANNA died on Dec. 4, 1989. He transferred from Lehigh in September 1921. After graduating with our Class he attended the Princeton Graduate School…

Memorial PAWcasts



PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
The Latest Issue

March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.

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