Remembering Victor Brombert
“Brombert was very concerned that I talk about his love of teaching. He said, ‘My love isn’t war, it’s teaching and I hope you’ll find a place to mention that,’...
“Brombert was very concerned that I talk about his love of teaching. He said, ‘My love isn’t war, it’s teaching and I hope you’ll find a place to mention that,’...
Recent graduate Reina Coulibaly ’24 sat down with writer Ara Tucker ’01 to talk about career paths and the Every Voice event
‘I’m really deeply thankful to … everyone who’s made this experience possible’
‘When you think about the prospect of a nuclear holocaust, you have to consider how deeply committed [Putin] is to this campaign,’ said Jeff Burt ’66
‘You can go back very far in history and find leaders or aspiring leaders making this claim that things used to be good, now they’re bad’
“In those tough times, you go back to your standards, you go back to values,” Surace says
‘What we are doing is paving a path to the future, always, with everything we do’
‘It really broadens your perspective, especially having the opportunity to meet so many diverse people’
‘It’s always miraculous how we become who we are’
Princeton is ‘actually taking the bull by the horns, so to say, and radically transforming the energy infrastructure on campus’
‘There’s a deeper conversation about parenthood and motherhood to be had’
‘Liberian labor, coerced Liberian labor and the exploitation of Liberia, underpinned the library’
‘I think we are learning that we need to reset our relationship to the natural world’
‘What kind of a decision are we making here? And what are the human impacts of what we’re doing?’
‘The first step is just simply honesty, being more open and honest about what we really do want’
‘This is all about dignity… and it is about supporting the next generation of leaders’
‘The real question for humanity is, can we rise above our basic animalistic desires to consume?’
‘There is no wrong way to do Princeton’
‘It is just a whole fascinating multilayered world that he gives us access to’
‘The suffering of anyone, no matter where they’re from, should command the attention of humankind’
‘We would see a lot of women where it really changed their confidence … They became a leader within their community’
‘We all benefit from living in a world in which more people speak up in the face of all different kinds of problematic behavior,’ Sanderson says
‘I just hope this is an encouraging … message for all the other new moms out there’
‘I’d like readers to take away just this feeling of hope for the future, for their future’