Christopher Connell
Christopher Connell content overview
Is the Proposed Endowment Tax Another Cash Grab?
A ‘meteor is about to hit’ higher education as Republicans look to increase the tax on endowments
Memorial Held for Landon Y. Jones ’66
Friends paid tribute Nov. 15 at a memorial service in the Princeton University Chapel
Affirmative Reaction
Will Princeton’s next freshman class look less diverse after the Supreme Court’s recent ruling?
At 15, Anya Taylor-Joy Jumped On Stage at Reunions
The ‘Queen’s Gambit’ actress said she credits the experience as her big break
Lives: Elizabeth Bailey *72
Princeton’s First Woman Ph.D. in Economics, She Revolutionized the Airline Industry
New Book Chronicles Urban Design Pioneer William Whyte ’39
Journalist Richard Rein ’69’s book chronicles Whyte’s impact
Princeton Celebrates 150 Years of Football
From a New Brunswick Field to Yankee Stadium
Critical Languages, Critical Steps
How an artifact of the Cold War brought change to Princeton
Lives: Michael Trister ’63
Modestly, He Moved Us Toward Justice
‘Ever the Teacher’
William G. Bowen *58 left his mark on Princeton — and higher education
Squeeze Play
Washington tightens the spigot for basic research, and Princeton feels the pinch
Conversation: A Defense of Higher Ed
Princeton-educated campus chiefs, on college and its discontents