Features A Physicist in Hollywood Kip Thorne *65, the scientist behind Interstellar, gets a new title: Movie Mogul
Features A War’s Legacy A half-century after the escalation of the war in Vietnam, a historian takes stock
On the Campus Paying for MOOCs A University plan triggers faculty debate over royalties, control of online courses
On the Campus Student Dispatch: Grad Students’ Long Trek to Apartments Even Tougher When Weather’s Nasty
On the Campus Referendum on Bicker Vote to end system wouldn’t be binding, but bicker foes hope it could spur changes
On the Campus The Ph.D. Job Hunt University puts more emphasis on help for those seeking nonacademic careers
Research History: A Murder in Mexico Never-before-seen photographs shed light on Leon Trotsky’s murder
Research Chemistry: Micro-Warrior Unlocking the secret of “silent genes” may lead to the development of new antibiotics
Sports Women's Basketball: Perfection Tigers finish regular season as the lone unbeaten team in Division I
Sports Quick Takes: Women’s Tennis Clinches Title Share; McMunn ’15 Sets Record; Men’s Lacrosse Wins Big