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Clarence M. Malone Jr. ’30

CLARENCE M. "JOCK" MALONE DIED Apr. 11, 1994, in N.Y.C. after a brief illness. He was born Aug. 22, 1908, in Shamokin, Penn. Jock prepared…

Dr. Richard S. Bear ’30

DICK BEAR, a distinguished scientist and academi­cian, died July 5, 1994, in Chapel Hill, N.C. He was a professor of molecular anatomy at U.N.C. from…

Shelby C. Davis ’30

SHELBY C. DAVIS, a Princeton benefactor, died June 29, 1994, in Hobe Sound, Fla. Shelby prepared for Princeton at Lawrenceville. At Princeton, he was a…

George A. Newton Jr. ’29

GEORGE DIED Dec. 2, 1993. He prepared at Techni­cal H.S., in Indianapolis. At Princeton, he was in the Triangle Club, Glee Club, and the choir…

William C. Spruance III ’28

WILL "WUZZY” SPRUANCE DIED Nov. 1, 1993, in Hockessin, Del., where he and his wife, Frances, had moved in 1979. Frances had died in 1988…

Lawrence Perin ’28

LARRY PERIN DIED at home Apr. 15, 1994, after a long bout with cancer. He went to Gilman School and at Princeton was a member…

Winthrop C. Lenz ’28

WIN LENZ DIED Feb. 21, 1994, at the Princeton Medical Center, after a long illness and confinement to his home at Meadow Lakes Retirement Community…

John K. Cilley ’28

JOHN CILLEY DIED of pneumonia Feb. 28, 1994, in the White Plains Hospital Center. His father, an orthopedic surgeon, was Arthur H. '03, and his…

Sherburn M. Becker ’28

SHERB BECKER DIED Oct. 18, 1993, in N.Y.C. He had suffered for some time with emphysema. He prepared for college at Exeter. At Princeton, he…

Charlie James ’27

CHARLIE JAMES DIED in his native Milwaukee May 4, 1994. He had suffered a stroke and had been ill for several years. He came to…

Walter Haefeli Jr. ’25

WALT HAEFELI DIED in Stafford, Penn., May 12, 1994. Born in Brooklyn Feb. 12, 1904, he came to us from Pelham H.S. He was manager…

Benjamin Goodman ’24

BEN GOODMAN, our Memphis classmate, died May 28, 1994, at his home in Memphis. Ben came to Princeton from Memphis Univ. School. He engaged in…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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