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Q&A: Alisha Holland ’07 on Looking the Other Way
Why ‘forbearance’ in Latin America both benefits and hurts the poor
Why ‘forbearance’ in Latin America both benefits and hurts the poor
Faculty Book: David Bellos
As imperfect creators, can humans keep prejudice out of artificial intelligence?
Winning ‘hearts and minds’ might have unintended consequences
‘Deaths of despair’ on the rise among Caucasians without a college degree
Faculty Book: Matthew Karp
Faculty Book: Maria Dibattista and Deborah Epstein Nord
New research dating the moon reveals it, and Earth, to be much older than thought
A new exhibit re-examines the work of French designer Pierre Chareau
Faculty Book: Dalton Conley
Daniel Heyman’s woodcut portaits give a voice to the oppressed
Faculty Book: Thomas Leonard
Faculty Book: Simon Morrison *97