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Search PAW’s Memorials

Warren Philo Elmer Jr. ’42

Warren ''Bomber" Elmer died Jan. 25, 2000, in Princeton, after a long illness. He was one of the founders of the development office, and was…

Charles A. Von Elm ’41

Charlie died Dec. 14, 1999. He was a widower, having lost his wife, Nancy, in 1989. He was taken by pneumonia at New York Hospital…

Robert L. Terry ’41

Bob Terry died on Dec. 27, 1999. He was a widower. Bob went to Groton and majored in modern languages at Princeton. He was accepted…

John H. Pettibone ’41

John was born Dec. 5, 1917. He came to Princeton via Governor Drummer Academy, where he was active in track, golf, and the Glee Club…

Edwards S. Cobb ’41

Ted Cobb died Dec. 27, 1999, in the Shrewsbury Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. His death came after a single day of pneumonia, but he had…

Frank Sandstrom ’38

Born in Fort Collins, Colo., Frank died on Dec. 21, 1999, at Porter Hospice in Littleton, Colo. "Storm" transferred to Princeton from the U. of…

David Tredway Graham ’38

Dave died on Nov. 13, 1999, after a long illness that curtailed his brilliant medical career. The son of two doctors, he came to Princeton…

John N. Irwin II ’37

Jack Irwin, who was born in Keokuk, Iowa, died Feb. 28, 2000. Surviving are his wife, Jane, four sons, one daughter, and one grandchild. Jack…

Roger B. Charlesworth ’37

Ardent Princetonian, sailing enthusiast, and longtime Western Electric employee Rog Charlesworth died Feb. 10, 2000, of congestive heart failure, two days before his 56th wedding…

Edgar Norman Powers ’36

Norman died of cancer Jan. 19, 2000, at home in Sequim, Wash. He prepared at the Northwood School and regretted having to leave Princeton after…

James Clark King ’36

Jimmie died Jan. 12, 2000. He prepared at Mercersburg Academy. At Princeton, he studied mechanical engineering and was on the executive committee of Dial Lodge…

Robert Hobbs French ’36

Bob died Feb. 8, 2000, of Alzheimer's. A graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy, at Princeton, he majored in history and was undergraduate manager and treas…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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