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Search PAW’s Memorials

Langeland Van Cleef ’41

Van died on Mar. 24, 1989, at the Hillcrest Hospital, in Canaan, N.Y. Although he spent most of his career in sales, he was an…

Richard Allyn Stirling ’40

Retired Y.M.C.A. executive Dick Stirling died on Apr. 1, 1989, at Duke Univ. Medical Center. Classmate Roger Hinds was an usher at a memorial service…

John I. H. McGiffert ’37

Brilliant teacher, director, writer, and "saloon" piano player, Jack McGiffert died on May 10, 1989, of a heart attack. Jack was the class valedictorian at…

Victor Barnouw ’37

EMINENT ANTHROPOLOGIST Vic Barnouw, celebrated for his quick wit and his ability to come up with great puns, died on May 9, 1989, of pancreatic…

Yorke Allen Jr. ’36

Yorke Allen died on Apr. 6, 1989. He was born on Apr. 28, 1915, the son of Yorke Allen ’94 and Mary Findley Allen. A…

E. Avery McCarthy ’31

Ave McCarthy, who had been quite ill for several years, died on Feb. 7, 1989, in Pasadena, Calif. After graduation, Ave returned to California and…

John Warren Kaine ’31

John Kaine died on Jan. 28, 1989. He was one of the group that prepared at Exeter for admission to Princeton. Although he did not…

Donald S. Gilpatric ’31

Don Gilpatric died of emphysema on Jan. 30, 1989, in St. Augustine, Fla. Few classmates can match Don in the number and variety of assignments…

William Kenneth Boone III ’31

Bill Boone died in Mexico in Oct. 1988. He joined us at Princeton in our sophomore year but did not stay the course, withdrawing in…

Harry Norman Packer ’27

From his executor, Mr. Richard G. Hyer, we have learned of Harry's death, on Apr. 24. For many years, he lived in Forked River, N.J…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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