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Clarence D. Long *38

Clarence D. Long, a member of Congress from Baltimore for 22 years, died Sept. 18, 1994. He was 85. First elected in 1962, Rep. Long…

Benjamin F. Clifford ’88

Benjamin F. Clifford died Dec. 11, 1994, of a fall at Mt. Bromo volcano in Eastern Java, Indonesia. He was on vacation from his job…

Peter Greenberg ’77

Peter Greenberg, a mathematics lecturer at the Institut Fourier of the Univ. of Grenoble in France, was killed Dec. 10, 1993, when a car struck…

Rafael L. Montalvo ’70

Rafael Luis Montalvo, M.D., died Nov. 11, 1994, when the helicopter he was piloting crashed in the Santa Clarita hills outside of L.A. Born in…

Gregory S. Kavka ’68

Greg Kavka, a distinguished philosophy professor at U.C.-Irvine, died of cancer Feb. 16, 1994, leaving his wife, Virginia L. Warren; his daughter, Amber; and a…

Bruce J. Neilson ’64

Bruce Neilson passed away Aug. 30, 1994, in Gloucester Point, Va. He was 51. Bruce was professor of marine science, emeritus, at the Virginia Institute…

C.B. Moya ’62

C.B. Moya died Sept. 16, 1993, after a long illness. He was born near Belen, N.Mex., but grew up in Albuquerque. C.B. prepared at Highland…

Richard R. McElroy ’52

Dick McElroy died Jan. 12, 1994, of complications from a severe respiratory infection, in the hospital, in his hometown, Union, N.J. More than most of…

Walter B. Smith II ’51

Walter died of lung cancer Mar. 1, 1995. From 1958- 87, he had been a Foreign Service officer, specializing in Eastern Europe and the Middle…

George R. Quaile ’50

George Quaile died in Austria in July of 1994 from a lung embolism. A native of Pittsburgh, Birdie attended Shady Side Academy and graduated from…

George E. Hale III ’50

George Hale died Jan. 11, 1995, in a Pasadena, Calif., hospital of a rare blood disorder, from which he had suffered for several years. George…

James D. Cooper ’45

Doug Cooper died Aug. 13, 1994, after suffering a massive stroke. Doug entered Princeton from Lawrenceville and roomed at 16 Dickinson St. His Princeton career…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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