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The Retrospective Muse

Froma Zeitlin, emeritus professor of Greek Language and Literature

The Retrospective Muse (Cornell University Press) showcases the work of Froma Zeitlin, a specialist in Greek literature from Homer to…

Scenes of Attention

(edited) Justin E. H. Smith and D. Graham Burnett '93, professor of history

Why is there such great anxiety over attention? That’s the question at the heart of this new book edited by…

Smorgasbord (volume 1)

Thomas Burnet ’76

Short stories, pop quizzes, life lessons, and strongly held beliefs are among the elements readers can find in Burnet’s latest…

Waxing On: Poems, Etc.

Burleigh Leonard ’73

In this new collection of poems, Leonard reflects on a series of things: family life, faith, growing old, and more…

Shadows of Mawangdui

Antonio M. Carmone and Ronald C. Smith ’68

This book focuses on a set of drawings on silk called Daoyintu (Exercise Chart), a collection of cognitive body and…

Games of Chance

Raquel Drosos ’11

The novel Games of Chance (Raquel Drosos Publications) tells the stories of Alex, Seb, and Emilia. Following a tragedy, the…


Donald R. Kirsch *78

In an effort to interrupt Planck’s principle — the view that scientific truths triumph because of the death of a…

First Impressions

Kate Courtright (Dunn) ’88

This novel features five short love stories. From a Wisconsin empty nester who moves to New York City to start…


Charles Scribner ’73 *77

An engaging personal account of family history, Scribners (Lyons Press) recounts the legendary history of more than 150 years of…

Goodbye, Eastern Europe

Jacob Mikanowski '04

Once the clearest of distinctions for the European countries located behind the iron curtain, Eastern Europe is seemingly a fading…

Hamlet’s Children

Richard Kluger ’56

Set in the rich fabric of occupied Denmark during the Second World War, Kluger’s new novel brings an oft-forgotten area…

The Decameron Ninth Day in Perspective

(edited) Susanna Barsella and Simone Marchesi *02, professor of French and Italian

One of the great works of Italian literature, Giovanni Boccaccio’s The Decameron has become a defining work of the Western…