In A World at War
In His Opening Address President Dodds Asks For a Rapid Mobilization of Power
In His Opening Address President Dodds Asks For a Rapid Mobilization of Power
Valedictory Address Delivered to The Class of 1941
A Dramatic Tale of the Civil War in Which a Secessionist Is Given the Water Cure, His Punishers in Turn Disciplined byt he Faculty, and the Whole Affair Concluded with...
Princeton Profits from the Untiring Work of John Shaw Pierson ’40.
Some Recollections of a Civil War Class
Princeton Alumnus Has Distinction of Being Only Officer in American Service History Ever to Hold COmmissions Both as Major-General in Army and Rear-Admiral in Navy
How the Civil War Brough Emancipation From Slavery Not Only to the Slaves Themselves but to the Poor Whites As Well.
Some Startling Statements About the Civil War, Its Cause, and the Headache That Followed It
An Address Before the Lincoln Club of Springfield, Ill., February 12th, 1917.
Part II
Part I
In Raising and Maintaining Armies During the Revolutionary War, the War 1812-1814, the Mexican and Civil Wars*