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Benbow P. Cheeseman ’38

Ben Cheeseman, technical writer and librarian, died Dec. 18, 1994, in Cambridge, Md. A Kent School graduate, Ben majored in English and graduated magna cum…

Carl Ferenbach ’37

Incredibly capable, energetic, and ever cheerful cruise director Carl died Mar. 26, 1995. At the Hill, he was active in the Science Forum, debating, soccer…

James J. Coale III ’37

A man of many careers, Jim Coale died Mar. 7, 1995, at Broadmead, a retirement community in Maryland. His wife, Marietta, had died in 1974…

Robert Burton Romberger ’36

Burt Romberger, of Newport Beach, Calif., died Jan. 19, 1995, of complications of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. He was 80. He prepared at Tabor Academy…

C. Frederic Ramsey Jr. ’36

Fred died Mar. 18, 1995. He was 80. He prepared at Solebury School. At Princeton, he majored in Modern languages (French). Fred was a prolific…

Lawrence M. Cathles Jr. ’35

Laurie Cathles died of cancer May 18, 1995, at his home in West Simsbury, Conn. He was born in Dallas in 1913 and prepared at…

Charles C. Fitzmorris ’33

Charlie Fitzmorris died Mar. 17, 1995, after a long battle with multiple myeloma. He had been active, busy, and full of enthusiasm right to the…

Charles C. Davis Jr. ’33

Charles Davis died Apr. 18, 1995, in Topsham, Maine, where he had lived since 1991. He came to Princeton from Philadelphia and Germantown Academy. In…

William W. Drewry Jr. ’32

Bill Drewry died at his home in Three Arch Bay, South Laguna, Calif., Apr. 20, 1995. After graduating with us, Bill devoted his entire business…

George Buermann ’32

The class lost another prominent lawyer and public citizen when George Buermann died May 11, 1995, at Freedom Village Nursing Center in Bradenton, Fla. After…

Hamilton H. Sanger ’31

Hamilton H. Sanger died in his sleep Apr. 22, 1995, at Charleston Care Center in Catonsville. Born in Ruxton, Md., he prepared at Gilman. His…

Oscar T. Martin II ’29

Oc died Feb. 5, 1995, at the Southeast Georgia Medical Center, near his recent residence in St. Simons Island, Ga. He prepared for college at…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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